As a prospective client, I’d like to offer you a free, no-obligation, no-sales-pressure IT Systems Assessment where I’ll send one of my senior technicians to your office to conduct an audit of your network’s security and overall health.
When done, we’ll give you a report of findings that will not only reveal if your data and computer network really are properly backed up and secured, but also if there is anything you need to do now to prevent a major network outage, data loss, hacker attack or other expensive, data-erasing disaster. Plus, we can almost always show you how to save a little (or a LOT) on hardware and software by switching to more efficient cloud-computing solutions.
After all, it never hurts to get a competitive bid from a qualified third party – and this assessment is totally, completely free without obligation.
The Assessment only takes 60 minutes to conduct, but when it’s done, you’ll know for sure if your company’s data is secured and, in the event of a disaster, exactly how fast you could be back up and running again (if at all). I will be following up in the next couple of days to make sure you received this letter, and to see if you would like to schedule this free IT Systems Assessment. If not, please just let us know!